EWEA 2010 statistics: Offshore and Eastern Europe new growth drivers for wind power in Europe

9.3 gigawatt (GW) of new wind power capacity was installed in the EU during 2010, reaching a total of 84 GW by the end of 2010, according to figures released today by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and coinciding with today's publication by the European Commission on financing renewable energy.

While offshore wind power installations grew 51% from 582 MW in 2009 to 883 MW last year, onshore wind power installations (8.4 GW) were down 13.9% compared to 2009 (9.7 GW).


More information you can find in Press Release EWEA 31.01.2011: http://www.ewea.org/index.php?id=60&no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1896&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=8b64626e4bf6996eea71ec3c08994b0a
